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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
The combustion-chamber ring seal is widened when it is pushed
onto the injector. After pushing it on, it therefore has to be com‐
pressed again. This is done in two stages, as described below.
– Push calibration sleeve -T10133/7- onto injector as far as it will
go and simultaneously turn it slightly (approx. 180°).
– Pull calibration sleeve -T10133/7- off again by turning it in the
opposite direction.
– Push calibration sleeve -T10133/8- onto injector as far as it will
go and simultaneously turn it slightly (approx. 180°).
– Pull calibration sleeve -T10133/8- off again by turning it in the
opposite direction.
– Fit support ring -4- and spacer ring -2- onto injector -1-.
– Before installing new injector -1-, lubricate new O-ring -3- light‐
ly with clean engine oil.
The combustion chamber ring seal -8- must not be lubricated.
– Push injectors by hand as far as they will go into the hole of
the cylinder head (must be free of oil and grease). Ensure the
correct positioning of the injectors in the cylinder head.
It must be possible to push in the injectors slightly. Where
necessary, wait until the combustion chamber seal has con‐
tracted sufficiently.
Make sure that the injectors are correctly seated on the cylin‐
der head and that the assembly position is correct.
• Electrical connector of injector must engage in recess in cyl‐
inder head.
– Install fuel rail
⇒ “2.2 Removing and installing fuel rail”, page 211
– Install intake manifold
⇒ “4.2 Removing and installing intake manifold”, page 229
– Connect vehicle diagnostic tester and apply the guided func‐
tion “delete adaption values of injectors”.
– Switch off ignition.
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
2. Injectors