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Pistons and conrods
⇒ “4.1 Assembly overview - pistons and conrods”, page 63
⇒ “4.2 Removing and installing pistons”, page 65
⇒ “4.3 Checking pistons and cylinder bores”, page 66
⇒ “4.4 Checking radial clearance of conrod bearings”,
page 67
⇒ “4.5 Removing and installing oil spray jet”, page 68
Assembly overview - pistons and conrods
1 - Bolts
❑ renew
❑ Lubricate threads and
contact surface
❑ 30 Nm + 90°
2 - Conrod bearing cap
❑ Due to the cracking
method used to sepa‐
rate the bearing cap
from the conrod in man‐
ufacture, the caps only
fit in one position and
only on the appropriate
❑ Mark cylinder and con‐
rod allocation in colour
❑ Installation position:
Tab -A- in the con-rod
bearing cover points to‐
wards the side of the
pulley wheel
3 - Bearing shells
❑ Installation position
❑ Renew used bearing
❑ Check for secure seat‐
4 - Conrod
❑ With industrially
cracked conrod bearing
❑ Replace only in sets
❑ Mark cylinder and conrod bearing cap allocation in colour -B-
❑ Measuring radial clearance
❑ Separating parts of new conrod
❑ Installation position: Tab -A- in the con-rod bearing cover points towards the side of the pulley wheel
5 - Circlip
❑ 2 pieces
❑ renew
6 - Piston pin
⇒ “4.2 Removing and installing pistons”, page 65
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
4. Pistons and conrods