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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
– Pull ignition coil out of camshaft housing in
-direction of arrow- using puller - T10530- .
Installation is carried out in the reverse order. Please note the
– Fit all ignition coils loosely into spark plug holes.
– Align the ignition coils with their connectors, and connect all
the connectors to the ignition coils at the same time.
– Press ignition coils onto spark plugs by hand evenly (do not
use tool).
Specified torques
⇒ “1.1 Assembly overview - ignition system”, page 268
Removing and installing knock sensor
– Remove from the air conditioner compressor from the bracket
and tie it up ⇒ Heating, air conditioner; Rep. gr. 87 ; Air con‐
ditioner compressor; Removing the air conditioner from the
bracket and installing it in the bracket .
– Unplug the electrical connector -1-.
– Unscrew bolt -2- and remove knock sensor 1 - G61- .
Installation is carried out in the reverse order. Please note the
– Install the air conditioner compressor: ⇒ Heating, Air condi‐
tioner; Rep. gr. 87 ; Air conditioner compressor; Removing the
air conditioner compressor from the bracket and installing it in
the bracket .
Specified torques
⇒ “1.1 Assembly overview - ignition system”, page 268
Removing and installing Hall sender
– Remove resonator for intake air
⇒ “3.3 Removing and installing resonator for intake air”, page
– Loosen hose clips -1- and -2- and remove air pipe.
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
1. Ignition system