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♦ Spanner - T10508-
♦ Release tool - T10527- and release tool - T10527/1-
– Drain coolant
– Free air hose from air pipe.
– Open hose clips -arrows-, and remove air hose -1-.
– Pull connector off charge pressure sender - GX26- .
Make sure to use the new tools to prevent the locking lugs of the
air intake pipe from breaking off.
– Remove air intake pipe
⇒ “2.2 Removing and installing the air intake pipe”,
– Release hose clip -4- and detach coolant hose -3-.
– Remove bolts -arrows- and detach cover -2- from thermostat
housing -1-.
– Remove thermostat using special wrench - T10508- .
– Slightly push down special wrench - T10508- and turn it in
-direction of arrow- while doing so.
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
2. Coolant pump/thermostat assembly