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⇒ “2.1 Assembly overview - fuel rail with injectors”, page 210
⇒ “2.2 Removing and installing fuel rail”, page 211
⇒ “2.3 Removing and installing injectors”, page 212
⇒ “2.4 Cleaning injectors”, page 222
Assembly overview - fuel rail with injectors
1 - Fuel pressure sender -
❑ Checking
❑ Removing and installing
❑ Lubricate taper lightly
with clean engine oil; do
not lubricate thread
❑ 22 Nm
2 - Fuel rail
❑ Removing and installing
3 - High-pressure pipe
❑ Connections must not
be damaged
❑ Do not alter shape.
❑ Removing and installing
❑ 16 Nm + 45°
4 - Bolt
❑ Removing and installing
❑ 9 Nm
5 - Support ring
❑ renew
❑ Via this support ring, the
fuel rail exerts the
clamping force that
holds the injector in the
cylinder head
❑ Attached with -item 8-
6 - O-ring
❑ renew
❑ Lubricate with clean engine oil.
7 - Spacer ring
❑ Replace if damaged
8 - Injector
❑ Removing and installing
⇒ “2.3 Removing and installing injectors”, page 212
9 - Combustion chamber ring seal
❑ Do not apply grease or use any other lubricants
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
Rep. gr.24 - Mixture preparation - injection