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1 - Bolt
❑ renew
❑ Use counterholder -
T10475- to loosen and
❑ 150 Nm +180°
2 - Vibration damper
❑ Removing and installing
3 - Poly-V belt:
❑ Check for wear
❑ Before removing, mark
direction of rotation with
chalk or felt-tipped pen
❑ Do not kink
❑ Routing of poly V-belt
❑ Removing and installing
❑ When installing, make
sure it is properly seated
on pulleys.
4 - Bolt
❑ 20 Nm + 90°
5 - Tensioner for poly V-belt
❑ Pivot with socket to
slacken poly V-belt
❑ Lock with locking pin -
T10060 A-
❑ Removing and installing
6 - Bolt
❑ Tightening torque ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Alternator; Exploded view - alternator
7 - Alternator
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Alternator; Removing and installing alternator
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
Rep. gr.13 - Crankshaft group