B 201
Unpacking and storage of the pump
GB 03366 - Edition 02 - Jan 12
Connection purge device
ASA, ISO or CF-F blanking flange
(depends on the model).
Blanked with a DN40 ISO-KF or DN25
ISO-KF blanking plate (depending on
the models)
Closed with a purge plug.
The product is supplied with the inlet and exhaust blancked off. This
prevents foreign bodies entering the pump during transport and storage. Do
not remove these blanking plates until you are ready to install the product
on the vacuum line.
Electrical connectors
The connectors are protected by plastic caps. Left them in place for
storage of the product.
adixen Vacuum Products - Operating instructions - ATH 500 M-MT
adixen Vacuum Products - Operating instructions - ATH 500 M-MT