890CS & 890CD Common Bus Units
890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
Pre-Operation Checks
Before Applying Power:
Read the Safety section at the front of the Manual.
Ensure that all local electric codes are met.
Check for damage to equipment.
Check for loose ends, clippings, drilling swarf etc. lodged in the drive and system.
Check all external wiring circuits of the system - power, control, motor and earth connections.
If your application requires the Safe Torque Off function, read chapter 6. Otherwise disable it; example
wiring diagrams, including how to disable Safe Torque Off, are shown in that chapter.
Ensure that unexpected rotation of the motor in either direction will not result in damage, bodily harm or
injury. Disconnect the load from the motor shaft, if possible.
Check the state of the Motor Thermistor and Brake Resistor connectors. Check external run contacts are
open. Check external speed setpoints are all at zero.
Ensure that nobody is working on another part of the system which will be affected by powering up.
Ensure that other equipment will not be adversely affected by powering up.
Check motor stator connections are correctly wired for Star or Delta as necessary for drive output
Ensure that the SSD_Rail has been correctly installed and securely fastened.
On the 890CS drive, set the line voltage on rotary switch S1.