Trips and Fault Finding
890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
What Happens when a Trip Occurs
When a trip occurs, the drive’s power stage is immediately disabled causing the motor and load to coast to a
stop. The trip is latched until action is taken to reset it. This ensures that trips due to transient conditions are
captured and the drive is disabled, even when the original cause of the trip is no longer present
Drive Indications
If a trip condition is detected the unit displays and performs the following actions.
The programming block SEQ & REF::SEQUENCING LOGIC::TRIPPED signal is set to TRUE.
The FIRST TRIP parameter in the TRIPS STATUS function block displays the trip ID. Refer to Chapter
10: "Keypad Menus" - DISABLED WORD 1, DISABLED WORD 2 for a table of enumerated values..
Keypad Indications (when connected)
If a trip condition is detected the MMI displays and performs the following actions.
The trip source is displayed on the keypad.
6901 keypad only: the HEALTH LED on the Keypad flashes indicating a trip condition has occurred
and a trip message is displayed stating the cause of the trip.
The trip message(s) must be acknowledged by pressing the
key. The trip message may be cleared
by pressing the
key. Refer to Chapter 9: “The Keypad” - Alert Message Displays.