890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
Earth screen at both ends connecting to the motor frame and cubicle.
Some hazardous area installations may preclude direct earthing at both ends of the screen, in this case
earth one end via a 1
F 50Vac capacitor, and the other as normal.
Keep unshielded cable as short as possible inside the cubicle.
Always maintain the integrity of the shield. If the cable is interrupted to insert contactors etc., re-connect
the screen using the shortest possible route. Some motor gland boxes and conduit glands are made of
plastic, if this is the case, then braid must be connected between the screen and the chassis. In addition at
the motor end, ensure that the screen is electrically connected to the motor frame since some terminal
boxes are insulated from the frame by gasket/paint
Keep the length of screen stripped-back as short as possible when making screen connections.