890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
Parameter Descriptions
PREF: 1.06, 2.06, 3.06, 4.06,
5.06, 179.06
Default: —.xx %
Range: —.xx %
The input reading. (PREF 5.06 is ANIN5, PREF 179.06 is ANIN6, see the Functional Description).
PREF: 179.08
Only available on ANIN6. This diagnostic indicates if the 8903/AI option board is fitted on the drive. Diagnostic is FALSE if
the board is not fitted, otherwise it is TRUE.
When FITTED = FALSE, the ANIN6 VALUE is reset to 0.0000 %.
Functional Description
The Drive has four analog inputs. There is an analog input function block for each:
AIN1 is associated with the signal on terminal X12/02
AIN2 is associated with the signal on terminal X12/03
AIN3 is associated with the signal on terminal X12/04
AIN4 is associated with the signal on terminal X12/05
Analog input 5 is a special case: terminals AIN1 and AIN2 can be used as a differential
10V input (which we call AIN5).
Analog input 6 is also a special case. It is a high resolution differential analog input (15-bit + sign) located on the 8903/AI
option board. The input type is -10. +10 V.
All analog inputs can be configured as a direct input into the Speed Loop providing a fast speed or torque demand for servos.
The input voltage is pre-processed and converted into a numeric value by the analog input electronics of the Drive. The analog
input function blocks further process this reading so that a value of 0.00% represents an input equal to the low input range,
while a value of 100.00% represents an input equal to the high input range.
The break detect facility may only be used in conjunction with the 4..20mA hardware range. An input break is defined as an
input reading less than 0.45mA. When an input break has been detected, the VALUE output is forced to be the BREAK