Product Overview
890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
6511 Keypad
The 890CS is fitted with the 6511 Keypad:
It provides Local control of the 890CS. For example, you can start and stop the
motor and check on diagnostic information. The 6511 keypad fits to the front of
the 890CS. You can also remote-mount the 6511 keypad up to 3 metres away.
Another option is to remote-mount a 6901 keypad (as used on our larger 690+
The 890CD and 890 SD units are fitted with the 6901 keypad:
The 6901 keypad provides plain language programming on its larger display, and it
also has the ability to upload, store and download parameters. For remote-mounting,
you’ll need the correct Remote Mounting Kit. Refer to Chapter 9: "The Keypad".
6901 Keypad