890CS & 890CD Common Bus Units
890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
Step 2: Connecting Power
In this section we are going to connect the 3-phase supply to the 890CS Common Bus Supply, and connect
the 890CD Common Bus Drive(s) via the DC link.
We'll also connect the mandatory AC line reactor, the motor, and the (optional) brake resistor.
During commissioning, remove the fuses (or trip the circuit breaker) on your 3-phase supply.
Make sure the power is OFF, and that it cannot be switched on accidentally whilst you are working.
Solid-State Short-Circuit Protection
These devices provide Class 10 motor overload protection. The maximum internal overload protection level
(current limit) is 150% for 60 seconds in Constant mode, and 110% for 60s in Quadratic mode. Refer to
Appendix D: Programming - CURRENT LIMIT for user current limit adjustment information.
Motor over temperature sensing is required where the motor has a full-load Ampere rating of less than 50%
of the drive output rating; or when the MOTOR STALLED trip is TRUE (TRIPS STATUS::DISABLED
WORD 1>>MOTOR STALLED); or when the STALL TIME parameter is increased above 480 seconds.
Motors used in conjunction with the drive controller shall be provided with PTC sensor(s) or relays suitable
for use with the variable speed drive. Technical details can be found in Chapter 4 890CS & 890CD
Common Bus Units.