11 Graphic object
• “Layer to mark”: Displays all layers of the graphic file. If you deselect a layer, it will
not be included in the marking process of the graphic.
• “Font in the graphic”: Select a font from the list box. Text in a graphic file is replaced
with a font stored in the laser marking system.
Related topics
Add graphic files using the “Graphic” tool
Add graphic files in the “Data management” screen
Use graphic objects in a marking file
Change the preset position of a DXF, HPGL, JPEG, BMP file
Change the preset size of a DXF, HPGL, JPEG, BMP file
Change the preset marking parameters for DXF or HPGL files
11.9 Change the preset position of a DXF, HPGL, JPEG, BMP file
For DXF, HPGL, JPEG and BMP files, you can specify presets for the position of the graphic
such as the reference point position or the graphic's position and angle relative to this
reference point.
If you change the presets of a graphic file, the changes apply to all marking files in which the
graphic is used.
To change the presets of a DXF file, set “Graphic presets” > “ON” in the “Edit graphic” dialog.
For DXF files, you can specify individual position settings for each marking file in the
“Marking settings” screen. To do this, set “Adjustment of size and filling” > “ON” in the
“Marking settings” screen.
1. To change the preset position and angle of the graphic object, select the object in the
object list or in the marking image editor.
The parameters are displayed in the category below the object list.
2. Select the “Change” button next to “Graphic file” to open the “Graphic” dialog.
3. Select the graphic file and select “Edit”.
The “Edit graphic” dialog opens.
4. To change the presets of a DXF file, select “ON” for “Graphic presets”.
5. In the dialog, configure any of the following settings:
• Under “Origin”, specify the position of the reference point. The reference point
defines the point where each coordinate in the system is zero. Select one of these