DOC ID: 10118101
PAGE 378
Shows the Port VLAN ID (PVID) that a given user wants the port to have.
The field is empty if not overridden by the selected user.
Tx Tag
Shows the Tx Tag requirements (Tag All, Tag PVID, Tag UVID, Untag All, Untag PVID,
Untag UVID) that a given user has on a port.
The field is empty if not overridden by the selected user.
Untagged VLAN ID
If Tx Tag is overridden by the selected user and is set to Tag or Untag UVID, then this field
will show the VLAN ID the user wants to tag or untag on egress.
The field is empty if not overridden by the selected user.
Two users may have conflicting requirements to a port's configuration. For instance, one user
may require all frames to be tagged on egress while another requires all frames to be untagged
on egress.
Since both users cannot win, this gives rise to a conflict, which is solved in a prioritized way.
The Administrator has the least priority. Other software modules are prioritized according to
their position in the drop-down list: The higher in the list, the higher priority.
If conflicts exist, it will be displayed as "Yes" for the "Combined" user and the offending
software module.
The "Combined" user reflects what is actually configured in hardware.
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