DOC ID: 10118101
PAGE 248
Clock Frequency
This will allow to set the Clock Frequency.
The possible range of values are 1 - 25000000 (1 - 25MHz)
Check this box and click on 'Save' to delete the clock instance.
Indicates the Instance of a particular Clock Instance [0..3].
Click on the Clock Instance number to edit the Clock details.
Indicates the Clock domain used by the Instance of a particular Clock Instance [0..3]. More
instances may use the same clock domain, e.g. a Boundary clock and a Transparent clock.
Only one Slave or Boundary clock is allowed within the same Clock domain.
Device Type
Indicates the Type of the Clock Instance. There are five Device Types.
1. Ord-Bound - clock's Device Type is Ordinary-Boundary Clock.
2. P2p Transp - clock's Device Type is Peer to Peer Transparent Clock.
3. E2e Transp - clock's Device Type is End to End Transparent Clock.
4. Master Only - clock's Device Type is Master Only.
5. Slave Only - clock's Device Type is Slave Only.
Indicates the profile used by the clock.
Port List
Set check mark for each port configured for this Clock Instance. One port can only be active
within one Clock domain. I.e. enabling a port which is already active in an other Clock
domain is rejected.
2 Step Flag
Static member: defined by the system, true if two-step Sync events and Pdelay_Resp events
are used
Clock Identity
It shows unique clock identifier
One Way
If true, one-way measurements are used. This parameter applies only to a slave. In one-way
mode no delay measurements are performed, i.e. this is applicable only if frequency
synchronization is needed. The master always responds to delay requests.
Transport protocol used by the PTP protocol engine
Ethernet PTP over Ethernet multicast
EthernetMixed PTP using a combination of Ethernet multicast and unicast
IPv4Multi PTP over IPv4 multicast
IPv4Mixed PTP using a combination of IPv4 multicast and unicast
IPv4Uni PTP over IPv4 unicast