Chapter 4 - 358
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
XEN Topaz
Doc. No. 8
846 - Re
lease 2.0
April 2005
15-07-01 :Programming Function Keys
Assign a Voice Mail key to an extension. You must enter the Voice Mail
key code (SC 851: code 77) followed by an extension number:
Your own extension number if you are setting up your own Voice Mail
A virtual extension number if you are setting up a Message Center key
for a virtual extension.
A co-worker's extension number if you are setting up a Message Cen-
ter key for an installed extension.
An uninstalled extension's number if you are setting up a Message
Center key for an uninstalled extension.
Optionally, you may assign a Personal Answering Machine Emulation
key (SC851: code 16).
16-02-01 :Department Group Assignment for Extensions
Put all the Voice Mail extensions in an extension group. This allows DILs
to Voice Mail to ring other Voice Mail extensions when the DIL's
assigned port is busy. Assign up to Voice Mail extensions to an Exten-
sion (Department) Group. Only one Voice Mail group is allowed per sys-
tem. Assign the Department Group Pilot Number in Program 11-07-01.
20-02-09 :System Options for System Telephones - Disconnect Supervision
Enable (1) disconnect supervision for the system.
24-02-02 :System Options for Transfer - MOH or Ringback on Transferred
Use this option to enable (0) or disable (1) MOH on Transfer. If enabled
(0), a transferred caller hears Music on Hold while their call rings the
destination extension. If disabled (1), a transferred caller hears ringback
while their call rings the destination extension. For this option to work
with voice mail, the transferred call must be an unscreened transfer.
20-06-01 :Class of Service for Extensions
Assign a Class of Service (1-15) to an extension.
20-13-13 :Class of Service Options (Supplementary Service) - Continued
Enable Continued Dialling (1) for all extensions that will dial Voice Mail
22-01-04 :System Options for Incoming Calls - DIL No Answer Recall Time
If setting up Delayed Voice Mail Overflow, enter a timer value greater
than 0. Overflow will occur after this interval (provided the other related
programming is correct). If setting up Immediate Voice Mail Overflow,
enter 0.
22-02-01 :Incoming Call Trunk Setup
Assign Service Type 4 to each trunk you want to ring into Voice Mail as a
Direct Inward Line (DIL).
22-04-01 :Incoming Extension Ring Group Assignment
To enable Voice Mail Overflow, assign selected extensions to a Ring
Group that will ring for unanswered DILs to Voice Mail ports. In Program
22-06, enter 1 to enable overflow ringing.