Chapter 4 - 276
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
XEN Topaz
Doc. No. 8
846 - Re
lease 2.0
April 2005
Ring Groups
• Description
Ring Groups determine how trunks ring extensions. Generally, trunks ring extension’s
only if Ring Group programming allows. For example, to make a trunk ring an
Assign the trunk and the extension to the same Ring Group
In the extension’s Ring Group programming, assign ringing for the trunk.
Any number of extensions and trunks can be in a specific group. The system allows up
to 25 Ring Groups.
If an extension has a line key for the trunk, Ring Group calls ring the line key. If the
extension doesn’t have a line key, the trunk rings the line appearance key. If an
extension has a key for a trunk that is not in its ring group, the trunk follows Access
Map programming.
DIL trunks disregard ring group programming until DIL overflow.
Default Setting
All trunks are assigned in Ring Group 1, the first 16 extensions ring for all trunk calls
and all other extensions only flash.
• Programming
15-07-01: Programming Function Keys
Assign function keys as line keys (codes 1-51).
22-04-01: Incoming Extension Ring Group Assignment
Assign extensions to ring groups (1-25).
22-05-01: Incoming Trunk Ring Group Assignment
Assign trunks to ring groups (1-25).
22-08-01: DIL/IRG No Answer Destination
For DIL Delayed Ringing, assign the DIL No Answer Ring Group. An
unanswered DIL rings this group after the DIL No Answer Time (Pro-
gram 22-01-04) expires. DIL Delayed Ringing can also reroute outside
calls ringing a Ring Group (1-25) , the VRS, or DSPDB Voice Mail (101).
22-12-01: DID Intercept Ring Group
For each DID Translation Table, assign the destination for DID Intercept.
The destination can be a Ring Group (1-25), DSPDB voice mail (101),
the operator (9), or the VRS . For each table, make a separate entry for
each Night Service mode.
25-03-01: DID/DISA Transfer Ring Group With Incorrect Dialling