Chapter 4 - 304
NEC Business Solutions Ltd
XEN Topaz
Doc. No. 8
846 - Re
lease 2.0
April 2005
14-01-06: Basic Trunk Data Setup - SMDR Print Out
For each trunk, enter 0 if trunk’s calls should appear on SMDR report.
Enter 1 if trunk’s calls should not appear on SMDR report.
14-02-08: Analogue Trunk Data Setup – Answering Condition
To ensure accurate timing of outgoing call durations when using ana-
logue PSTN lines, the line supervision facility “Line Reversal on Answer”
must be subscribed to with your service provider and programmed into
the system using Program 14-02-08 = 0.
15-01-03: Basic Extension Data Setup - SMDR Printout
For each extension, enter 1 if extension’s calls should appear on SMDR
report. Enter 0 if extension’s calls should not appear on SMDR report.
20-06-01: Class of Service for Extensions
Assign a Class of Service (1-15) to an extension.
20-07-18: Class of Service Options (Administrator Level) - SMDR Printout
Accumulated Extension Data
In an extension’s Class of Service, enable (1) or disable (0) and exten-
sion’s ability to print Accumulated Extension Data (default: 0 [disabled]).
20-07-19: Class of Service Options (Administrator Level) - SMDR Printout
Accumulated STG Data
In an extension’s Class of Service, enable (1) or disable (0) and exten-
sion’s ability to print Assign a service code for printing Accumulated
Department Group Data (default: 0 [disabled]).
20-07-20: Class of Service Options (Administrator Level) - SMDR Printout
Accumulated Account Code Data
In an extension’s Class of Service, enable (1) or disable (0) and exten-
sion’s ability to print Assign a service code for printing Accumulated
Account Code Data (default: 0 [disabled]).
35-01-01: SMDR Options - Output Port Type
Specify the type of connection used for SMDR (0=No setting, 1=COM
Port(EXIFU), 3=LAN Port (EXIFU). The baud rate for the COM port
should be set in Program 10-21-02.
35-01-04: SMDR Options - Omit (Mask) Digits
Enter the number of digits (1-36) you want SMDR to block (i.e., “X” out).
Enter 0 not to block any digits.
35-01-05: SMDR Options - Minimum Number of SMDR Digits
Enter the minimum number of digits a user must dial (1-24) before the
system includes a call on the SMDR report. Enter 0 to include all outgo-
ing calls, regardless of the number of digits dialled.
35-01-06: SMDR Options - Minimum Call Duration
Enter the minimum duration of a call (1-65535) that will print on the
SMDR report. Enter 0 to have calls of any duration print.
35-01-07: SMDR Options - Minimum Ringing Time
Enter how long an unanswered call must ring (1-65535) before SMDR
logs it as “No Answer). Enter 0 to allow all “No Answer” calls to print.