Lift controller MLC 8000
Operating manual V2.0
1. Menu level
2. Menu level
3. Menu level
4. Menu level
The function can be activated by this parameter as well as with an
input ("Special function" - "Call configuration").
Doors locked
By setting "Yes" never 2 car doors open at the same time.
Note: Inside the menu item "Special parameters" it is possible to
select, whether the "door lock" is also active in the various Special
drive modus . speed
Choice of driving speed for reference run to the SGE magnet or the
prelimit switch
Ref. floor
Last floor before reference switch SGE when driving in the upward
direction (= floor below the reset switch)
Ref. floor
Last floor in upward direction before top prelimit switch VO
Ref. floor
Last floor in downward direction before bottom prelimit switch VU
Behavior of the lift when the car is between 2 floors (eg after switching
on, after a failure, etc.):
VO / VU: The lift always moves to one of the prelimit switches (VO/VU).
Next Floor: The lift always travels to the nearest floor
Type of positioning:
- CAN Encoder: (Incremental encoder with CAN interface)
- Encoder (Encoder mechanical connected to car).
This setting must also be selected if the motor encoder is used for the
position, but the door zone is not additionally monitored by "real"
door zone switch SGO / SGU
- Motor encoder (using the motor encoder; always in connection with
"real" door zone switches SGO / SGU)
- Switch (position via a magnetic switchs)
- Absolute (Absolut encoder
- Double-AWG (Double absolute encoder for driving with open doors
without any additional magnetic switch)
- Limax Safe: Special absolute encoder with integrated safety
functions (e.g. replacement of final limit switchs)
Adv.door op.
Advanced door opening (door opening while lift is arriving) (yes/no)
v Adv.door
Speed limit to open door if lift is arriving (advanced door opening)
Position to open door if lift is arriving (advanced door opening)
Re-levelling with open doors (yes/no) Call
Re-levelling if new call available (yes/no)
LC mode
Handling of new landing call in actual floor: