Lift controller MLC 8000
Operating manual V2.0
1. Menu level
2. Menu level
3. Menu level
4. Menu level
Call wait.[s]
Extended door open time for handicapt call function (see above)
UPS Evacuation
Parameter for emergency power evacuation
Minimum waiting time period following activation of the
"evacuation"signal, until the lift starts the evacuation trip, even if the
signal "Evac. enable" is already set before this time expires.
At the latest after this time, after the signal "evacuation" has been
activated, the lift starts the evacuation trip, even if the signal
"Evac.enable” isnot activated.
If this parameter is set to 0, then the lift waits in any case for the signal
"Evac.enable” before starting the evacuation trip.
Close dr.[s]
Specifies the time after which the door should be closed after reaching
the evacuation floor. If 0 is set, the door remains open
Max. speed
Max. Travel speed during evacuation (v3/v2/v1)
Auto return
yes: When switching off the signal "evacuation" ,the lift returns to
normal operation
no: The lift does not go back to normal operation (only by a Reset)
Stopping distance during evacuation via UPS
This value can not be measured during the setup trip and therefore
must be set manually here.
Monitoring of travel movement according to EN81 while evacuating
Parameters for evacuation operation according to EN81-76
Door cl.
Operation of the door closing in evacuation mode:
auto: The door closes automatically to start a trip by the lift controller
pulse: The door is not closed until the close-door-button was pressed
stop: The door is closed only when the door-close-button is pressed
and held down. Releasing the button stops the door.
reverse: Door is closed only when the door-close-button is pressed
and held. When releasing the button, the door opens again as long as
she was not completely closed
Door op.
See above; handling of door opening
Fire alarm
yes: Floors where a fire alarm has been triggered, can not be
approached in evacuation mode
yes: The lift can pass through floors, where the fire alarm was
FireEvacRun adj.
Parameter for fire control