Lift controller MLC 8000
Operating manual V2.0
1. Menu level
2. Menu level
3. Menu level
4. Menu level
Target ID
Node ID of ESE, to which the parameters are to be copied
Source Branch
Branch number of ESE, of which the parameters are to be copied
Target Branch
Branch number of ESE, to which the parameters are to be copied
Copy parameter
Kopieren der Parameter von Quell- zu Ziel-ESE
Special param.
Parameters for special control functions
Special run adj.
Parameters for special trips
Finish trip
ja: The actual trip is first finished before the special drive mode is
nein: The lift stops at the next possible floor and goes as fast as
possible in special drive mode.
CC Prior.[s]
After the lift has approached a floor by a special landing call, the lift
waits the time which is set . Then he goes, if no special trips in the car
operating panel were activated back to normal operation.
CC if active
yes: Special car calls can only be entered if the special drive mode is
activated via a switch inside the car.
no: Special car calls can be entered within the time "CC enable" (see
below); there is no additional activation switch required
CC enable[s]
After the lift has approached a floor by a special landing call or a
special trip input has been activated inside the car, special trips can
be started within this time by pressing any car calls. After this time, all
calls are locked again until the special trip input is activated again
inside the car.
f this value is set to 0, then special trips can be started via the car calls
without time limitation.
->normal [s]
After the lift has finished the special trip, the lift returns back to
normal operation after this time, except a new special car call has
been entered inside this time.
Land.CC canc.
yes: All car calls are deleted after the lift has approached a floor by a
special landing call.
no: The lift will keep all already entered car calls and will handle them
once the lift returned back to normal operation.
LC disable
yes: All landing calls are deleted and blocked when the lift is in special
run mode.
no: Existing landing calls are already stored and new landing calls are
taken , but only approached once the lift has returned to normal
on: All car calls are deleted when the special trip switch inside the car