Lift controller MLC 8000
Operating manual V2.0
- Safety circuit revolving doors
- Safety circuit car doors
- Safety circuit shaft doors
(■ = Voltage present, Safety circuit closed)
State of positioning switches (from left):
- SGM (level switch)
- SGO (upper door zone switch)
- SGU (lower door zone switch)
- VO (upper pre-limit switch)
- VU (lower pre-limit switch)
(■ = switch is turned on)
Door 1-
max ■□■
Door state door 1 to 3 (from left):
(■ = Door is closed)
(□ = Door is not closed)
Dr1 O|C|R|L
State of door signals door 1 (from left):
- Door open limit switch
- Door closed limit switch
- Reversing contact
- Light screen
(■ = input is set / Light screen is interrupted)
(? = State is unknown, e.g. if communication between HSE and FVE is
(- = signal not present, e.g. door without limit switches)
Dr2 O|C|R|L □■□■
See door 2
Dr3 O|C|R|L □■□■
See door 3
Load Z|H|F|O
State of load measurement (from left):
- Zero Load (Car empty)
- Half load
- Full load (Nominal load)
- Overload
(■ = Limit reached)
Carlight off
State od car light
+24V Power on
24V power supply
on = Power supply available
off = Battery power supply
2|R↓|R↑ □■□□
Temperature monitoring (from left):
- Overtemperature 1 (1st temperature sensor)
- Overtemperature 2 (2nd temperature sensor)
- Machine room temperature below limit
- Machine room temperature above limit
(■ = Input active – temperature limit reached)
Actual HSE board temperature (only hardwardversion 1.05)
Internal error counter
4.5 Error counter
The error counter shows the frequency of each error .
When calling the error counter menu, it shows first, since when the errors are counted (the
time of the last deletion process of the error counter).
After that, the error rate is displayed in one line and the type of error in the next line.