Lift controller MLC 8000
Operating manual V2.0
1. Menu level
2. Menu level
3. Menu level
4. Menu level
priority .
Car attendance
Parameters for operating the lift with an attendant
Autom. CC
yes: If activating a landing call, a car call is automatically generated
Note: Starting with HSE Version 1.36j this setting also works in normal
Door reopen
Specifies whether the doors open again when the direction push is
released while the door is closing.
Specifies whether the light screen is in function (= yes) or disabled (=
no) in attendance mode.[s]
If the attendance mode (input "Attend.funct.") has been activated by a
button , the lift returns to the normal operation by pressing this button
again, or after the expiration of the time set here (If the time is set to 0,
then there is no automatic return to normal operation)
OP lift
Parameters for special lifts in hospitals (OP rooms) with a special
device for loading / unloading non-clean things.
OP lift
OP lift (yes/no)
Car lift
Parameter für car lifts
Car lift
If set to "yes" special features for car lifts are activated.
yes: when a vehicle is entering the lift (car sensors in the car are
required), the lift controller automatically sets a car car call (only for 2-
floor lifts).
Door clos.
Here it is defined whether the traffic signals at the entrance doors
display red or green when the lift is in the park position (all doors
closed, empty cabin, there is no call ).
Forced stop
Parameters for forced stop at a floor
Forced stop
yes: Foreced stop function activated
no: Foreced stop function deactivated
Floor, in which the forced stop is to be performed
Doors to be opened during this enforced stop
upwards: If the lift moves in upward direction, then the lift definitely
stops at the floor, where a forced stop (see above) has been defined.
downwards: If the lift moves in downward direction, then the lift
definitely stops at the floor, where a forced stop (see above) has been
up+down: Lift always stops in the defined floor independend of the
travel direction.