User manual |
CPR Maestro
3. Chest full expansion indicator: when
filled with the color green indicates that
the chest returned to the initial position
of the compressions.
4. Indicative arrows of correction: when
present, the arrows indicate that
the movement must be wider in the
indicated direction.
5. Depth indicative bar: indicates the
current depth of the compression.
6. Maximum depth indicator: when filled
with the color green, indicates that the
compression reached the ideal depth.
When filled with the color red, indicates
too hard compression.
7. Frequency indicative bar: indicated
the frequency of the compressions.
When aligned with the red rectangles,
indicates need of frequency
8. Frequency indicators: the red
rectangles indicate very low (on
the left) or very high (on the right)
frequency. The green rectangles
indicate apropriate frequency.
When the rescuer stops the compressions, a chronometer is automatically
displayed on the graphic area.