CPR Maestro
The CPR Maestro is an accessory from DualMax, created
to help rescuers perform compressions in accordance with the latest CPR
recommendations. Its sensors measure the frequency and depth of chest
compressions, providing the user with real-time feedback. These information
are displayed on CPR Maestro and DualMax screens and through sound
NOTE: because it is an accessory, it can not be used by itself. Only
connected to DualMax.
The CPR Maestro parameter must work on DEFRIBRILLATION, CHARGE
AUTO SEQUENCE and AED modes. On AED mode, the messages on
screen and the audible ones will only be presented after the orientation
“Perform CPR for 2 minutesˮ.
To turn off the equipment, simply press the ON/OFF button for 3 seconds.
The parameter will be automatically turned off on the DualMax screen.
Using the CPR Maestro
1 – Connect the CPR Maestro to DualMax, using the input indicated below, located
on the side of the equipment.