Page 17
Issue 08/2013
References to standards and directives
References to standards and directives
The generator has been manufactured in accordance with the following
norms and directives.
DIN EN 60034 Part 1-9, rotating electrical machines
DIN EN 60204-1; VDE 0113-1:2011-01
Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines:
general requirements
DIN VDE 0100 (VDE 0100) Regulations for the installation of electrical
power installations with rated voltages of up to 1,000 V in particular:
- DIN VDE 0100-410; VDE 0100-410:2007-06
Low-voltage electrical installations-Part 4-41: protection for safety -
Protection against electric shock (IEC 60364-4-41:2005, amended)
- DIN VDE 0100-600; VDE 0100-600:2008-06 (previously IEC 60364-6:2006)
Low-voltage electrical installations- Part 6: tests (IEC 60364-6:2006,
amended) (e.g. Abschaltwerte on IT systems)
DIN VDE 0701-0702; VDE 0701-0702:2008-06/BGV A3
Inspection after repairs, changes to electrical device repeat
checks-General requirements on electrical safety
GUV2.10DEmpf BR:1981-11-25, UVV Accident prevention regulation
“Electrical systems and machinery materials” with implementation
DIN EN 60529; VDE 0470-1:2,000-09
Protection types through housing (IP code) (IEC 60529:1989 + A1:1999)
and also DIN IEC 60529/A1; VDE 0470-1/A1:2010-04
“High-pressure water inspection” (IEC 70/118/CD:2009)
DIN EN 61557-1; VDE 0413-1:2007-12
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1,000 V a.c. and
1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective
measures- Part 1: general requirements
DIN EN 61557-8; VDE 0413-8:2007-12
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1,000 V a.c. and
1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective
measures- Part 8: insulation monitor equipment for IT systems
DIN EN ISO 12100
Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment and
risk reduction (ISO 12100:2010)