5. Log in with Administrator privilege. After the message that the system must be restarted is displayed on the
screen, follow the instructions to restart the system.
6. After the Windows restart is completed, shut down the system.
7. Remove the SB incorporated as the Reserved SB in step 3 from the partition by using the MMB Web-UI.
8. Add the SB removed once in step 2 to the partition.
Notes on VMware
At the first startup after an SB is switched to the Reserved SB in a partition running ESX, the guest operating system
may not start. Set the guest operating system to automatically restart and the BlueScreen Timeout item in the settings
of the Reserved SB in the partition running ESX.
For example, to reset the ESX host 20 seconds after a panic occurs, set "20" for BlueScreenTimeout.
To not reset the ESX host after a panic occurs, set "0" for BlueScreenTimeout.
How to set BlueScreenTimeout
Set BlueScreenTimeout from vSphere Client.
1. Open the [Configuration] tab of the host in vSphere Client. Click [Advanced Settings] in the [Software] pane.
FIGURE 3.26 BlueScreenTimeout setting ([Configuration] tab)
2. The [Advanced] window opens. Click [Misc] in the left pane.
3. The right frame displays parameters. Set the BlueScreenTimeout value in [Misc. BlueScreenTimeout].
PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series Installation Manual
CHAPTER 3 Work before Operating System Installation