MB95630H Series
20.7 Registers
[bit2:0] MOD[2:0]: Operating mode select bits
These bits set the operating conditions of the 16-bit reload timer.
• Internal clock mode (CSL[2:0] = any value between 0b000 and 0b110 inclusive)
Select the input pin function with the MOD2 bit.
When the MOD2 bit is "0",
- The TIn pin functions as a trigger input pin.
- Select the edge to be detected using the MOD[1:0] bits.
- When the edge selected in MOD[1:0] is detected, the value set to the 16-bit reload timer reload register
(upper/lower) (TMRLRHn/TMRLRLn) is reloaded to the 16-bit reload timer timer register (upper/lower)
(TMRHn/TMRLn), and the 16-bit reload counter starts counting using TMRHn/TMRLn.
When the MOD2 bit is "1",
- The TIn pin functions as a gate input pin.
- The setting of the MOD1 bit is invalid.
- Select the valid signal level ("H" or "L") with the MOD0 bit. The 16-bit reload timer counts using
TMRHn/TMRLn only while the valid signal level is being input.
Note: When the MOD[2:0] bits are "0b000", external pin input becomes invalid. In this case, use the TRG
bit to start the 16-bit reload timer by using the software.
• Event count mode (CSL[2:0] = 0b111)
- The MOD2 bit is always set to "0".
- The external event clock is input from the TIn pin.
- Select the edge to be detected using the MOD[1:0] bits.
Details (Internal clock mode)
TIn pin function
Valid edge/level
Writing "000"
External pin input invalid
Writing "001"
Trigger input
Rising edge
Writing "010"
Falling edge
Writing "011"
Both edges
Writing "100"
Gate input
"L" level
Writing "101"
"H" level
Writing "110"
"L" level
Writing "111"
"H" level
Details (Event count mode)
TIn pin function
Valid edge/level
Writing "000"
External pin input invalid
Writing "001"
Trigger input
Rising edge
Writing "010"
Falling edge
Writing "011"
Both edges
Writing "100"
Setting prohibited
Writing "101"
Writing "110"
Writing "111"