MB95630H Series
18.1 Overview
The 8/16-bit PPG is an 8-bit reload timer module that uses pulse output control
based on timer operation to perform PPG output. The 8/16-bit PPG also
operates in cascade (8 bits + 8 bits) as 16-bit PPG.
Overview of 8/16-bit PPG
The number of pins and that of channels of the 8/16-bit PPG vary among products. For details,
refer to the device data sheet.
In this chapter, "n" in a pin name and a register abbreviation represents the channel number.
For details of pin names, register names and register abbreviations of a product, refer to the
device data sheet.
The 8/16-bit PPG functions are summarized as follows.
8-bit PPG output independent operation mode
In this mode, the unit can operate as two 8-bit PPG (PPG timer n0 and PPG timer n1).
8-bit pre 8-bit PPG output operation mode
The rising and falling edge detection pulses from the PPG timer n1 output can be input to the
downcounter of the PPG timer n0 to enable variable-cycle 8-bit PPG output.
16-bit PPG output operation mode
The unit can also operate in cascade (PPG timer n1 (upper 8 bits) + PPG timer n0 (lower 8
bits)) as 16-bit PPG output.
PPG output operation
In this operation, a variable-cycle pulse waveform is output in any duty ratio.
The unit can also be used as a D/A converter in conjunction with an external circuit.
Output inversion mode
This mode can invert the PPG output value.