© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
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10 Application examples
10.1 Three-layer paint on plastic
Measuring range: 1 (300 ns).
For measuring this setting of task you can use the preset parameter set (for values see section
9.2) without making any changes to it. The global clipping with ±3% limits will reliably remove any
noise floor (that is very low in the above example). All three layer interface echoes you expect will
be extracted correctly. It will not be necessary to use the postprocessor function.
The thickness of the third layer is very thin and slightly ranges below the resolution limits of the
system. Given their respective echoes 2 and 3 showing different algebraic signs, echo extraction
will be no problem.
10.2 One-layer paint on wood
Measuring range: 1 (300 ns).
Also for this measuring task you can work with the preset parameter set (for values see section
9.3) without any changes being necessary. The expected layer interface echo will be extracted
correctly. It will not be necessary to use the postprocessor function. However, there is one
particularity to be seen on the A-scan image: