© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
173 von 184
21 Appendix
21.1 Error messages and trouble shooting
Error message
Coupling echo failure!
Insufficient coupling between
sensor and measuring object.
Check couplant at the
measuring point. Make sure,
coupling is appropriate (see
Sound velocity beyond limits!
1) The layer thickness you
have entered is wrong. This
may be due to typing error or
false material cross section
(several layers have been
interpreted as being one
2) For calculation, a wrong
echo has been used as layer
interface. This may be due to
wrong or marginal parameter
setting or through insufficient
couplant or lopsided sensor
Check your data input and the
A-scan image. The number of
valid echoes on the A-scan
must be equal to the presets.
Make sure an appropriate
coupling is given (if
necessary, renew couplant
and ensure vertical contact of
the sensor on the sample).
No echoes selected !
The postprocessor echo
selection only uses the active
echo positions for thickness
calculation. If none of such
positions is active, no
calculation of thickness can
be made as a consequence.
If, for instance, 3 echoes are
measured but only echoes as
of position 4 are set to be
active, no thickness
calculation will take place.
Make sure you have selected
echoes actually available on
the A-scan.