© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
131 von 184
Set the cursor according to the new amplitude limit.
Press OK to confirm.
The new amplitude limit has been saved.
12.2.3 Blocked domains
Blocked domains are applied within the postprocessor function and
serve to exclude echoes from further processing. Selected echoes will
be marked as being invalid. On the A-scan image they are marked by
the blocked domain icon. Blocked domains can be edited, created or
Chose the requested function from the list and press OK to confirm.
Create a blocked domain
Point of start is the A-scan image on the left. It has been created by
measurement of a 2-layer sample with the global clipping function being
enabled. No additional clipping domains have been defined so far. 3
layer interface echoes have been extracted with the first two echoes
representing “true” echoes while the third one has been extracted from
an interference.
A blocked domain is to be created now in order to suppress any false
echoes behind the second layer interface echo.