© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
158 von 184
16 Special Functions
16.1 Initialisation
Initialisation is automatically performed at the first start-up and can be performed as requested.
Make sure the gauge is switched off. Press ESC key and keep pressed down while you briefly
press the red switch ON button. First release ON/OFF. The initialising sequence will start.
A language flag appears to show the currently set language.
Use arrow up/down keys to make your language selection.
Press OK to confirm or ESC to abort.
The Total Reset window appears. A Total Reset will restore the factory
Press “NO” to abort or “Yes” if you wish to make a Total Reset.
If you press function key “NO”, only the language setting will be
changed (if you made any).
Only press function key “YES” if you really wish to restore the factory
Caution !!
A Total Reset will irrevocably delete all data and directories from the
memory. All settings except the language setting will be reset to the
factory settings.
The Total Reset action will also delete all directories and batches,
including readings, statistics and calibration values.