© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
79 von 184
First echoes
The number of layers you set in this menu (2 in the above example) defines the maximum number
of echoes (starting from left to the right) to be used for processing. If the number of echoes
detected is less than the number of layers you have set, the system will identify less layers
accordingly. “First echoes” is the default setting.
Last echoes
From the right to the left, i.e. starting from the last echo, the system will evaluate at maximum as
many echoes as you have set layers (2 layers in the above example). If the number of echoes
detected is less than the number of layers you have set, the system will identify less layers
accordingly. This setting is of advantage for the evaluations of wall thickness irrespective of the
number of layers detected. If you adjust the number of layers to be detected to 1, the system will
only evaluate the wall thickness. If you set this number to > 1, the system will always consider the
last thickness value to be the wall thickness.