© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
156 von 184
Switch functions
Select „Data output“ from the Setup menu. Press OK to confirm.
Now press the function key “Switch” and the window as below will open.
Press “Data output” to go back to the data output (interface) menu.
Under „Readings with footswitch“ (external switch contact) you can
define the function of the footswitch:
“Delete”: If you press the footswitch, the last reading will be deleted.
“Save”: If you press the footswitch, the last reading will be saved. Note:
Currently, this setting is not relevant for QuintSonic and can be
15.6.5 User preferences
Select ”User preferences“ from the Setup menu to adjust the following
Language: English, German
Measuring system: metric (auto): (µm, mm, cm)
cm (fixed)
mm (fixed)
µm (fixed)
Decimal inch
imperial: (mils, inch)
In the metric (auto) option, the gauge selects automatically µm, mm or
cm according to the thickness being measured. Readings are
represented in the floating point format.
In the cm (fixed), mm (fixed), µm (fixed) or Decimal inch option,
readings are represented in the fixed point format.
Loudspeaker: ON / OFF. If enabled, any acquisition of reading or
key action will be confirmed by an audible signal. The earphone
output will remain active.