© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
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12.1.4 Postprocessor
This menu includes submenus of all parameter values relating to the
postprocessor such as definition of valid echoes and calculation of layer
thickness. For a description of the function and its use please refer to
section 8.5.
Use arrow keys to choose the requested item and press OK to confirm
your selection.
Echo selection
With this parameter you can chose the method to select the requested
echoes from the total number of echoes that have been extracted by
the preprocessor (for use and entry of selection parameters please
refer to 4.3.2.)
The following options are available: all echoes, first echoes, largest
echoes and last echoes.
If this parameter is set to “echo selection”, you can choose the echoes
manually from the list. Please note that the maximum of echoes to be
processed will not be higher than the maximum number of layers you
have specified. For more details on the postprocessor selection
functions please refer to 8.5.6.