© ElektroPhysik
QuintSonic 7
115 von 184
A confirmation prompt will ask you whether to save this value or to
abort. Press OK to save or ESC to abort.
After this, an alphanumerical entry field appears. Now you may enter a
material name. For entry of numerical parameter values please refer
to section 4.3.4.
The entry of a material name is optional. If you do not wish to enter
such name, just press “Done”.
You will be asked whether to save changes or not. Press OK to save
the material name you have entered or ESC to abort.
After completion of the input procedure, the sound velocity you have
entered will be saved together with the material name (if any) for the
layer you have selected.
Finally, you will be asked whether to create a new entry for the
material data in the user value table. Press OK to create such entry or
ESC to abort.