ESIM384 Installation and Configuration Manual v1.1
4. GEnEral oPEratIonal DESCrIPtIon
When the system is being armed, it will initiate the exit delay countdown intended for the user to leave the secured area. During the count-
down period the buzzer will emit short beeps. By default, exit delay duration is 15 seconds. After the countdown is complete, the system
will become armed and lock the configuration by keypad possibility. In case the user does not leave the secured area before the countdown
is complete, the system will StAY-arm if at least 1 zone has Stay attribute enabled. By default, if there is at least 1 violated zone or tamper,
the user will not be able to arm the system until the violated zone or tamper is restored. In case it is required to arm the alarm system
despite the violated zone presence, the violated zone can be bypassed or Force attribute enabled. After the system is armed and if a zone
(depending on type) or tamper is violated, the system will cause an alarm lasting for 1 minute (by default), During the alarm, the siren/bell
will provide an alarm sound along with the buzzers of the keypads. By default, the system will also makes a phone call and send an SMS text
message containing the violated zone or tamper number to a listed user phone number and indicate the violated zone or tamper number
on the keypad. If another zone or tamper is violated or the same one is restored and violated again during the alarm, the system will act as
mentioned previously, but will not extend the alarm time.
After the user enters the secured area, the system will initiate the entry delay countdown intended for system disarming. During the count-
down period, the buzzer will emit a steady beep. By default, entry delay duration is 15 seconds. After the user successfully performs the
disarming process, the system will unlock the keypads. If the user does not disarm the system in time, the alarm system will cause an
instant alarm.
the alarm will be caused even if a tamper is violated while the system is disarmed.
For more details, please refer to
12. arMInG anD DISarMInG