X5 English
Polish Voice Phrasebook
1. Everyday Conversation ............................................................................ 2
Codzienne rozmowy ....................................................................................... 2 Allgemeine Phrasen........................................................................................ 2
2. Traveling .................................................................................................... 7
............................................................................................................. 7
Reisen............................................................................................................. 7
3. Local transport........................................................................................ 15
Transport miejski........................................................................................... 15 Lokaler Transport.......................................................................................... 15
4. Driving...................................................................................................... 19
Jazda samochodem...................................................................................... 19 Autofahren .................................................................................................... 19
5. Hotel ......................................................................................................... 24
Hotel.............................................................................................................. 24 Hotel.............................................................................................................. 24
6. Restaurant ............................................................................................... 30
Restauracja................................................................................................... 30 Restaurant .................................................................................................... 30
7. Shopping ................................................................................................. 37
Zakupy .......................................................................................................... 37 Einkaufen ...................................................................................................... 37
8. Bank ......................................................................................................... 43
Bank.............................................................................................................. 43 Bank.............................................................................................................. 43
9. Health ....................................................................................................... 46
Zdrowie ......................................................................................................... 46 Gesundheit.................................................................................................... 46
10. Housekeeper ......................................................................................... 53
Gosposia....................................................................................................... 53 Hausangestellte ............................................................................................ 53
The basic phrase in bold and its listed variants (see below) are all recognized by Partner
Page 1: ...i 15 Lokaler Transport 15 4 Driving 19 Jazda samochodem 19 Autofahren 19 5 Hotel 24 Hotel 24 Hotel 24 6 Restaurant 30 Restauracja 30 Restaurant 30 7 Shopping 37 Zakupy 37 Einkaufen 37 8 Bank 43 Bank 4...
Page 2: ...eses Problem zu l sen E Do you speak English Do you know English P M wi Pan po angielsku Zna Pan angielski G Sprechen Sie Englisch E Say it once more please Repeat it once more please Please repeat wh...
Page 3: ...been a while It s been so long It s been such a long time P Nie widzia em Pana od lat Wieki Pana nie widzia em Tyle czasu min o od kiedy si widzieli my Tyle czasu min o od naszego ostatniego spotkania...
Page 4: ...s ist sehr nett von Ihnen E I m very grateful to you I m really grateful to you I appreciate your help I m very much obliged to you I m in your debt I m very thankful to you Much obliged P Jestem Panu...
Page 5: ...second Can you stop for a moment Can I interrupt you for a minute P Mog zaj Panu kilka minut Czy mo e mi Pan po wi ci kilka minut Ma Pan chwil Mog zaj Panu troch czasu G Darf ich Sie f r einen Augenb...
Page 6: ...ame That s terrible Such a shame P To straszne Co za nowina Co za historia G Das ist aber schlimm E It s incredible Wow That s unbelievable It can t be true P Niemo liwe To niewiarygodne To nieprawdop...
Page 7: ...economy class One tourist class ticket please One economy class ticket please I d like to be in tourist class I d like to be in economy class I d like to be in coach class P Prosz bilet w klasie turys...
Page 8: ...how me how to fill in this form I don t understand how to complete this form Can you explain how to answer these questions Can you show me what to write P Prosz mi pokaza jak to wype ni Czy mo e mi Pa...
Page 9: ...help me with my baggage please Could you help me transport my luggage Could you help me move my luggage P Mo e mi Pan pom c z baga em Mo e mi Pan pom c przenie m j baga G K nnen Sie mir bitte mit mein...
Page 10: ...places available on the plane P Czy s jeszcze wolne miejsca na ten samolot Prosz sprawdzi czy s jeszcze wolne miejsca Czy dostan jeszcze bilet na ten samolot G Gibt es Pl tze auf diesem Flug E Please...
Page 11: ...ave a pillow Can I get a pillow P Czy mog prosi o poduszk Poprosz poduszk Mo e mi Pan da poduszk Bardzo prosz o poduszk G K nnten Sie mir bitte ein Kopfkissen bringen E Can I have another drink May I...
Page 12: ...rzeba si przesi Czy b d mia przesiadk G Wo m sste ich umsteigen E Which platform does the train depart from Which platform does the train leave from Where does the train leave from Where does the trai...
Page 13: ...miejsce To miejsce jest moje Przepraszam to moja miejsc wka G Ich glaube das ist mein Platz E I prefer a seat by the window I want to sit next to the window P Wol miejsce przy oknie Chcia bym miejsce...
Page 14: ...om do G Welche F hren gehen nach E Where can I board the ship Which dock does the ship leave from Which dock does the boat leave from Where can I board the boat Where are we docked P Sk d odp ywa ten...
Page 15: ...the bus May I buy the ticket from the driver Can I just pay after I get on the bus Are tickets sold in the bus P Czy mo na kupi bilet w autobusie Czy mo na kupi bilet u kierowcy Czy mog zap aci w aut...
Page 16: ...bli szy autobus do O kt rej odje d a najbli szy autobus do O kt rej odchodzi najbli szy autobus do G Wann f hrt der n chste Bus nach E What time does the last bus leave When does this bus stop running...
Page 17: ...finde ich eine U Bahn Karte E What is the cost of one trip What is the cost of one ride What does it cost to ride the subway How much is a token How much is a ride P Ile kosztuje przejazd metrem Ile k...
Page 18: ...wk Prosz mi zam wi taks wk Czy zam wi by mi Pan taks wk Mog prosi o zam wienie taks wki G K nnten Sie bitte f r mich ein Taxi rufen E Taxi P Taksi G Taxi E Take me to this address please To this place...
Page 19: ...ime I can rent a car for What is the least period of time I can rent a car for What is the least amount of time I can rent a car for P Jaki jest najkr tszy okres wynajmu Jaki jest najkr tszy okres na...
Page 20: ...be returned Where should I drop it off Where can I return the car P Gdzie mog zwr ci samoch d Gdzie mam zwr ci samoch d Gdzie mog odda samoch d G Wo kann ich das Auto zur ckgeben E I d like to make a...
Page 21: ...l nicht anspringen E I think the battery is dead Would you please charge the battery The battery seems to be dead P Chyba wy adowa si akumulator Najwyra niej akumulator si wy adowa G W rden Sie bitte...
Page 22: ...re is the road to In which direction should I go to get to In which direction must I go to get to In which direction do I go to get to How do you get to P Jak mam dojecha do W kt r stron do Gdzie mam...
Page 23: ...Can I park here P Czy mo na tu gdzie zaparkowa Czy gdzie w pobli u jest parking Gdzie jest najbli szy parking G Gibt es hier einen Parkplatz E Where can I park Where s the parking lot Where is the ne...
Page 24: ...ena za dob G Was kostet ein Zimmer pro Nacht E Is breakfast included Is that with breakfast Does the rate include breakfast Does the price include breakfast P Czy niadanie jest wliczone Czy niadanie j...
Page 25: ...here to sign Can you show me where to sign P Gdzie mam podpisa Prosz mi powiedzie gdzie podpisa G Wo soll ich unterschreiben E I would like to put some valuables in the safety deposit box Can I store...
Page 26: ...car Is there a garage in the hotel Are there parking facilities P Gdzie mog zaparkowa samoch d Gdzie mog zostawi samoch d Czy jest tu parking Czy hotel ma w asny parking G Wo kann ich mein Auto parke...
Page 27: ...I would like to have this cleaned Could you please have this washed for me P Czy mog prosi o wypranie tych rzeczy Prosz to wypra Prosz odda to do pralni Chcia bym eby kto to wypra Prosz to wyczy ci G...
Page 28: ...ie moje Zasz a jaka pomy ka to nie moje Zasz a jaka pomy ka to nie nale y do mnie G Es ist wahrscheinlich ein Fehler das geh rt mir nicht E The stains have not been removed You didn t get the stains o...
Page 29: ...ebody to bring my luggage down from my room Would you send somebody to bring my baggage down from my room Please send someone for my luggage Can you send someone to my room for my luggage Can you send...
Page 30: ...b Stolik dwuosobowy prosz Na dwie osoby prosz Dla dw ch os b prosz G Einen Tisch f r zwei Personen bitte E Do you have a smoking section Do you allow smoking in the restaurant I d like a table in the...
Page 31: ...awarto ci t uszczu G Bieten Sie auch fettarme Gerichte an E What is cheap and filling I d like something filling and not expensive P Chcia bym co po ywnego i niedrogiego G Ich m chte etwas S ttigendes...
Page 32: ...Mitnehmen bitte E I ll have a T bone steak with fried potatoes I ll have a steak with home fries A T bone steak with fried potatoes please P Prosz stek ze sma onymi ziemniakami Stek i sma one ziemniak...
Page 33: ...e den Rest zum Mitnehmen einpacken E The meal was very good thank you It was delicious It was wonderful P Jedzenie by o bardzo smaczne dzi kuj To by o bardzo smaczne Doskona e dzi kuj G Danke sehr das...
Page 34: ...Ich m chte eine Tasse Kaffee E Black coffee please I d like black coffee P Czarn kaw prosz Prosz czarn G Ich m chte einen schwarzen Kaffee E Coffee with cream and sugar P Kaw z cukrem i mietank G Bitt...
Page 35: ...lodem prosz Prosz doda lodu G Bitte mit Eis E No ice please P Bez lodu G Ohne Eis bitte E Straight please P Czyst prosz Bez dodatk w G Nicht gemixt bitte E Shaken P Wstrz ni te G Gesch ttelt bitte E S...
Page 36: ...for everyone The bill is on me It s on me It s my treat I ve got the check I ll pay for all of you I am paying for everybody P Ja p ac Stawiam wszystkim P ac za wszystkich Ja stawiam G Die Rechnung b...
Page 37: ...kupi Gdzie znajd Gdzie sprzedaj G Wo kann ich das kaufen E On which floor is the ladies wear department Where is the ladies wear department Where are women s clothes Where s the women s clothing secti...
Page 38: ...ything else P Prosz mi pokaza co innego Czy mog zobaczy co innego G Zeigen Sie mir bitte einen anderen E What material is it made of What kind of material is this What is this made of What is it made...
Page 39: ...miar Chcia bym zam wi ubranie Chcia bym zam wi garnitur na miar Chcia bym zam wi uszycie garnituru G Ich m chte einen ma geschneiderten Anzug E Will you take my measurements Could you tell me what si...
Page 40: ...edytowe G Nehmen Sie Kreditkarten an E Do you accept foreign currency Is foreign currency accepted Do you take foreign money Do you take foreign currency Do you accept foreign money P Czy mo na p aci...
Page 41: ...akowa to osobno Czy mo na to zapakowa osobno Chcia bym eby te rzeczy zapakowa osobno G Packen Sie das bitte getrennt ein E Can I have a bag please P Mog prosi o torb Czy dostan torb Da mi Pan torb Pro...
Page 42: ...e done How long will the repairs take P Ile potrwa naprawa Jak d ugo zabierze naprawa Na kiedy to mo e by gotowe G Wie lange wird die Reparatur dauern E Can you repair this while I wait Can you repair...
Page 43: ...e to cash this traveler s check please I would like to cash my traveler s check please Can I get cash for traveler s checks Can I cash some traveler s checks P Czy mog tutaj wymieni czeki podr ne Czy...
Page 44: ...t kantor Jak d ugo czynny jest kantor Do kt rej czynna jest wymiana G Wie lange ist die Wechselstube ge ffnet E Where is a cash machine Where can I withdraw money around here P Gdzie jest bankomat Czy...
Page 45: ...dzie powinienem podpisa Gdzie mam z o y podpis G Wo soll ich unterschreiben E This is my ID This is my card Here is my identification P To m j dokument To jest m j dow d osobisty Oto m j paszport G Da...
Page 46: ...j b l w piersiach Boli mnie w klatce piersiowej Czuj b l w klatce piersiowej G Ich habe Brustschmerzen E I feel pain in my side P Boli mnie w boku Czuj b l w boku G Ich habe Seitenschmerzen E I have a...
Page 47: ...se My nose is running P Mam katar Cieknie mi z nosa Kicham G Ich habe Schnupfen E I have a bad cough P Mam kaszel Kaszl G Ich habe einen schlimmen Husten E I have the flu P Mam gryp Choruj na gryp Z a...
Page 48: ...ia Ju przeszed em te badania G Ich habe eine solche Untersuchung schon mitgemacht E I ve never had this disease before I ve never been sick like this before P Nigdy wcze niej na to nie chorowa em G Ic...
Page 49: ...cough suppressant P Czy mog prosi o co na kaszel Prosz mi da co na kaszel Lekarstwo na kaszel prosz Ma Pan co na kaszel Chcia bym co na kaszel Czy jest jakie lekarstwo na kaszel Czy dostan jakie leka...
Page 50: ...this prescription filled P Potrzebna mi recepta G Ich brauche das Arzneimittel zu diesem Rezept E Please give me something for a cold P Prosz przepisa mi co na przezi bienie Prosz da mi co na przezi...
Page 51: ...wk kontaktow G Ich habe eine Kontaktlinse verloren E I lost my glasses P Zgubi em okulary G Ich habe meine Brille verloren E Please call a doctor Would you please call a doctor Would you please call a...
Page 52: ...to powa ne G Glauben Sie es ist ernst E Will I need an operation Do I require surgery P Czy to wymaga operacji Czy b dziecie mnie operowa Czy musz by operowany G Brauche ich eine Operation E Would yo...
Page 53: ...godziny G Sie werden stundenweise bezahlt E You ll be paid once a week We ll pay you every week P B dziemy p aci raz w tygodniu B dziemy p aci co tydzie G Ihr Lohn wird einmal in der Woche ausgezahlt...
Page 54: ...Don t touch it P Prosz tego nie dotyka G Fassen Sie das nicht an E Don t smoke in the house You are not allowed to smoke in the house P Prosz nie pali w domu Nie pozwalamy pali w domu Nie yczymy sobie...
Page 55: ...w azience Trzeba zmieni r czniki G Bitte wechseln Sie die Handt cher im Badezimmer E Take the dirty laundry to the laundromat P Prosz zanie pranie do pralni Prosz zanie brudne rzeczy do pralni G Bitte...
Page 56: ...trze kieliszki Prosz wypolerowa kieliszki G Wischen Sie die Gl ser E Clean this Wash it out P Trzeba to pozmywa G Putzen Sie das E Please cook this for supper P Prosz to ugotowa na kolacj G Kochen Sie...
Page 57: ...me the receipts P Prosz przynie paragony G Bringen Sie mir alle Kassenbelege E Don t buy such expensive groceries P Prosz nie kupowa takich drogich produkt w G Kaufen Sie nicht so teure Lebensmittel E...
Page 58: ...as Kind muss sein Fr hst ck um acht Uhr erhalten E You have to give the kid lunch at noon The kid takes lunch at noon P Prosz da dziecku drugie niadanie o dwunastej Je drugie niadanie o dwunastej G Da...
Page 59: ...eck Here s your money P To Pani czek To Pani pieni dze To Pani wyp ata To dla Pani G Hier ist Ihr Lohn E You ll get paid in a week You ll receive your salary in a week P Dostanie Pani pieni dze w przy...