USER MANUAL – Release 1.2 of 01/01/2010
Page 105 of 191
Version: 02/03/2010
Fig. 3
The start-up procedure is the same as that stated above (par. 14.8). If compressor/s with partialisations have
been configured, if switch-on is requested at full compressor load, first the partialisation solenoid is excited
(always the step with the lowest index, the part. N° 1) and after 1 second (fixed time) the relay configured as
compressor 1 star centre is activated (relay K2 Fig. 2). With the start-up procedure concluded, the delay
CO15 even if working at minimum power has been enabled from the parameter but the heat regulator does
not request switch-on, the solenoid is unexcited. If the time set in Par. CO15 = 0 the function is disabled
partialisations working
The relays configured as partialisation are managed by on/off temperature control as per compressor
regulator graphics and in the three tables given below.
Par CO06=0 ON/OFF insertion with steps
0= step insertion. In the case of the partialisation by temperature control and on the basis of the polarity
chosen, only one step can be inserted/removed at a time, which must be off before another is inserted.
N° 1 compressor with three partialisations. 4 steps are available in the circuit.
Par CO08=1 continuous insertion with direct action steps
1= continuous insertion the partialisation steps are all inserted/removed on the basis of the polarity chosen.
In the case of partialisation request due to temperature control, only the requested step is inserted/removed.
The others all remain inserted/removed on the basis of the polarity chosen.
N° 1 compressor with three partialisations. 4 steps are available in the circuit.