USER MANUAL – Release 1.2 of 01/01/2010
Page 141 of 191
Version: 02/03/2010
Maximum time for reaching the domestic hot water production set-point
From when the production of domestic hot water is requested, a timer is activated that determines the
maximum time for the domestic hot water set-point to be reached. When this time has expired
are 2 possibilities:
if FS07=0 all compressors are activated (not already active)
if FS07=1 all compressors are activated (not already active) and all heaters
Below find the graphics relevant to regulation if the maximum time FS09 has expired. In this case, the first 4
steps represent the compressors available while the steps 5 and 6 represent the support heaters.
Once all available steps have been inserted, they remain on until the domestic hot water set-point has been
reached. On reaching the set-point, the heaters are switched-off immediately while the compressors are
switched-off in sequence with delay CO05, one at a time.
If there is a domestic hot water probe 1 error (temperature control probe), the domestic hot water function is
prevented and the controller will function normally in cooling or heating mode.
If there is a domestic hot water probe 2 error (display/inhibition probe) the alarm is displayed without any
action on temperature control. The production of domestic hot water will continue regularly even if the display
probe is in error conditions.
If the temperature control probe (cooling or heating) goes into error condition during the production of
domestic hot water, the unit will not be blocked but the cooling or heating temperature control will be
disabled and the production of domestic hot water will remain active.
If an alarm occurs that blocks the unit during the production of domestic hot water, on return of the alarm the
controller checks the conditions (temperature) and the settings appointed to the FS parameters and performs
normal temperature control or produces domestic hot water.
Unloading condenser/evaporator
The unloading function is activated also during the production of domestic hot water with the same modes as
the standard device.
If an unloading event occurs, the compressors/steps established by the parameter Un16 will be left running.
If the heaters are not active, on the basis of the configuration of parameter FS08, they will be inserted to
compensate the compressors switch-off.
The domestic hot water pump is managed during the production of domestic hot water or during the
antilegionella cycle as described in the successive paragraphs.
The management Times of the domestic hot water pump are the following:
the change over of the OUT 1 and OUT 2 outputs takes place with the delay
from pump switch-
domestic hot water pump switch-off takes place with delay
from the change over of outputs OUT
1 and OUT 2.
The domestic hot water pump flow switch is managed with the flow switch times of the evaporator H