USER MANUAL – Release 1.2 of 01/01/2010
Page 134 of 191
Version: 02/03/2010
2= start with condensation temperature/pressure probe end with evaporation pressure probe
3= start and end due to evaporation pressure
minimum stand-by time before forced defrost
allows to set a delay when inserting the forced defrost function
forced defrost temperature/pressure set
Allows to set a temperature/pressure set below which the dF29 count starts. On conclusion of this, if the
temperature/pressure measured remains below the set dF29, a forced defrost cycle follows.
If during the count of the dF29 time the temperature/pressure rises above the value set in the
par. dF30 plus the differential dF31, the function is annulled and the time dF29 is reloaded.
forced defrost differential
supply fan working in defrost mode
0 = not enabled
1 = enabled
If dF01 = 4 defrost is enabled via the condensation fans.
If the temperature measured by the probe configured as external air probe > than the value set in Par. dF25
instead of reversing the reverse valve cycle the compressor is stopped and condensation ventilation is
activated at maximum, defrost ends:
if combined defrost is enabled, for temperature or max. time
if only NTC probes are configured, for temperature or max. time
if only pressure probes are configured for max. time
even if the defrost via condensation ventilation is enabled, if the external air temperature < than dF25,
defrost takes place via hot gas (compressor on).
If dF23 = 2 during dripping time (if dF08 set different to 0) ventilation is forced to maximum for the time set in
dF08 only if the temperature measured by the probe configured as external air temperature probe > value
set in par. dF25
With defrost with just ventilation enabled, forced defrost always takes place with hot gas.
The supply fan can be stopped during defrost of the air/air heating units to block the introduction of cold air
into the room during the defrost phase.
With several circuits configured the function is only active if:
0 when they enter defrost together
FA05 = 0 unique condensation ventilation
The recovery function is enabled if:
1 the Par.
is different to 0
2 the unit is in cooling working mode
3 the heat recovery key heat recovery icon is pressed in ON mode
4 the temperature / condensation pressure is less than the rC06 set – the rC07 differential
5 the necessary resources are configured (digital - analogue inputs / digital outputs)
6 the digital input configured as recovery request is active
The recovery function is disabled if:
1 the Par.
is equal to 0
2 the unit is in heating, OFF remote or stand by working mode
3 the recovery key recovery icon is pressed in OFF mode
4 the temperature / condensation pressure is greater than the rC06 set
5 the necessary resources are not configured (see ACF9 configuration error)
6 the digital input configured as recovery request is not active