© 1998-2008 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
Page 136
The PG7000 always replies to a command. If the command is incorrect or contains invalid
data, an error number is returned in the form “ERR#
” where
is an integer number that
represents a specific error. This allows for easy error trapping by the host computer.
Table 25 is a list of the possible error numbers and the error description for each.
Table 25
Error Messages
ERR #0
ERR #1
First argument missing or out of range
ERR #2
Second argument missing or out of range
ERR #3
Third argument missing or out of range
ERR #4
Fourth argument missing or out of range
ERR #5
Fifth argument missing or out of range
ERR #6
Sixth argument missing or out of range
ERR #7
Seventh argument missing or out of range
ERR #8
Eighth argument missing or out of range
ERR #9
Unknown command
ERR #10
Motorized rotation recovering from overload
ERR #11
Command missing argument
ERR #12
System overpressured
ERR #13
External RPM or PG7000 not detected
ERR #14
User unit not defined
ERR #15
Range jumper setting invalid
ERR #16
Element not defined
ERR #17
UDD not defined
ERR #18
Command not yet available
ERR #19
Not available with gauge units
ERR #20
Not available with vacuum reference
ERR #21
Internal pointer error
ERR #22
Pressure must be below 20 psia
ERR #23
Option not available or installed
ERR #24
Not available with isolation on
ERR #25
Must be READY set
ERR #26
COM port failed to initialize
ERR #27
Internal device time out error
ERR #28
External device time out error
ERR #29
File not opened
ERR #30
File end
ERR #35
PG7601 must first be setup for differential mode
ERR #36
Mass load invalid
ERR #37
External device invalid
ERR #38
External device configured incorrectly
ERR #39
External device reply invalid
ERR #40
Not ready
ERR #41
Measurement outside limits