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© 1998-2008 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
The PG7000 add and edit piston-cylinder module functions allow piston-cylinder
metrological module variable values to be defined and stored. These values will
be used by PG7000 in calculating defined pressure, piston-cylinder range and
pressure to mass and mass to pressure values when the piston-cylinder module
is made active using
. The information needed can be found in the
calibration report for the piston-cylinder module.
Setting up or editing a piston-cylinder module requires specifying, in sequential
order, the following:
Serial number (S/N)
Effective area (Ae) at 0 pressure and 20 °C
Piston temperature coefficient
[linear thermal expansivity/°C]
Cylinder temperature coefficient
[linear thermal expansivity/°C]
Effective area pressure coefficient
[change in Ae/MPa]
Piston-cylinder surface tension effect
Reference level offset
Piston assembly mass
Piston assembly apparent density
Rotation rate ready limits
Calibration report number
Calibration report date
Adding or editing a piston-cylinder module requires the user to specify a large
number of variables in a series of data entry screens described below. For a summary
of the piston-cylinder module data requirements in the order they are edited see
PRINCIPLE in this section.
PG7000 can store up to 18 piston-cylinder module (PC) files. When <3add> is
selected and all the files have already been used, a warning is displayed. A file must
be deleted before a file can be added.
To create a new piston-cylinder module press
. A series of data entry menus will be presented. Edit
each menu to reflect the correct information on the piston-cylinder module being
added. Press
after each entry to proceed to the next menu. Pressing
at any point offers an
<Abandon edits?>
query and then returns to
menu without saving any of the edited data or
returns to the
add piston-cylinder module process.
The data entry screens to add or edit a piston-cylinder module are, in order:
Serial number (S/N):
Edit the serial number using four digits. This value is
marked on the piston cap. The default is