Page 105
© 1998-2008 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
To create a new PG7000 mass set there are three sequential steps:
Initialize mass set: Define serial number, density, mass set type (manual or
AMH), calibration report number and date.
Define individual masses: Edit, add and delete mass groups as necessary to
identify and define all masses in the mass set.
Save mass set file or abandon changes.
Step : Initialize Mass Set
and select
<2mass set>
Edit the serial number to the number of
the mass set being added and press
The display is:
Add mass set:
S/N 1
Edit the density of the masses being
added (all PG7000 mass sets have
density of 8 000 kg/m3) and press
. The display is:
Mass density:
8000 kg/m3
for a manual mass set
for an automated mass
handler mass set.
Mass set type:
1manual 2AMH
Edit the calibration report number (up to
nine digits) to the the number of the
current calibration report of the mass set
that is being added and press
The display is:
Cal report number?
Edit the calibration report date to the date
of the current calibration report of the
mass set that is being added (format must
be YYYYMMDD) and press
[ENTER] leads to the second step of
mass set adding or editing.
Cal report date?
at any point goes to an abandon edits warning screen.
To continue with defining the mass set proceed to Step .
Step : Define Individual Masses
This step can only be reached by going through Step .
If the mass set is a MANUAL mass set,
the display is:
Select mass grp (kg)
MKUP 5.00 2.00 1.001
0.50 0.20 0.10 ADD
If the mass set is an AMH automated
mass handler mass set, the display is:
(6.4 is only present for AMH-100)
Select mass grp (kg)
MAIN 6.40 3.20 1.60
0.80 0.40 0.20 0.10