Location 617: Programming The Hour For Autotest - Ones Digit
Location 617 contains the ones digit of the hour that the autotest report is desired. The time is entered in 24 hour time. If
the desired autotest time is 5:25 PM, the 24 hour time is 17:25, so this location should contain a "7", which is the ones digit
of the hour for autotest. If the desired autotest time is 9:36 AM, the 24 hour time is 09:36, and this location should contain
a "9".
Location 618: Programming The Minutes For Autotest - Tens Digit
Location 618 contains the tens digit, of the minutes after the hour that the autotest is desired. The time is entered in 24
hour time. If the desired autotest time is 5:25 PM, the 24 hour time is 17:25, so this location should contain a "2", which is
the tens digit of the minutes for autotest time. If the desired autotest time is 9:36 AM, the 24 hour time is 09:36, and this
location should contain a "3".
Location 619: Programming The Minutes For Autotest - Ones Digit
Location 619 contains the ones digit, of the minutes after the hour that the autotest is desired. The time is entered in 24
hour time. If the desired autotest time is 5:25 PM, the 24 hour time is 17:25, so this location should contain a "5", which is
the ones digit of the minutes for autotest time. If the desired autotest time is 9:36 AM, the 24 hour
time is 09:36, and this location should
contain a "6".
Location 620-621: Autotest Report Intervals
Locations 620 and 621 contain the number of days in the autotest report intervals. Location 620 is the 10's digit and
location 621 is the 1's digit. The available interval is 1 to 99 days. If a 1 to 9 day interval is selected the first location
should remain a zero "0". If the selected interval is every 75 days, you would program a "7" in location 620 and a "5" in
location 621. Locations 340-342 must be programmed to enable autotest reporting.
Location 622: Automatic Download Callback Enable
Programming a "1" in location 622 will cause the control panel to automatically call the download computer callback
number at every autotest interval. This feature will not activate unless a callback phone number has been programmed,
and a "2" is programmed in location 024 in the download work area.
Location 623: AC Power Loss Delay Feature
The number programmed in location 623 represents the number of 1 minute
increments the AC Power Loss
report is
delayed before a communication is initiated, from 1 to 15 minutes. Factory default is "5" programmed in this location and
AC Power Loss
reports will be delayed 5 minutes. The
AC Power Restore,
if enabled in location 376, will also delay
reporting until after the number of minutes programmed in this location has elapsed. If a "0" is selected (Instant), the
delay will be approximately 20 seconds. This is to allow for transients and power surges. If one minute is selected, the
delay will be approximately 1 minute and 20 seconds.
Location 624-625: Programming The Number Of Elapsed Days Since Last Auto Test
Location 624 contains the tens digit of the number of days between autotest reports and location 625 contains the ones
digit. Example: If today is Thursday, and you want a weekly test on Sundays (a "0 - 7" in locations 620-621), program a
"0" in location 624, and a "4" in location 625 (four days have elapsed).
Location 626: Programming Current Day Of Week
A number from 1 to 7 should be programmed in this location to indicate the current day of the week. If the day is Monday,
program a "2" in this location. If the day is Friday, program a "6" in this location. Sunday ="1 ", and for Saturday ="7".