Location 216: Communicator Report Limit
If a "1 " is programmed in location 216, the communicator will only report once per zone during each arming cycle. Factory default is "0"
and this feature is not enabled.
Location 217: Partition Siren Inhibit /Contact I.D Group Digit Reporting
Factory default is "0" this feature is disabled, meaning a valid code entered from a Code Pad in any partition will silence the siren
regardless of what partition caused the alarm. If a "1 " is programmed, only the Code Pad set for the partition which the alarm was
activated or an LCD code pad set for master mode can silence the siren. Programming a "2" in this location will cause the DL300E to
report the partition group information when reporting in Contact I.D. (When using the Contact ID group information, only one
account code is required to be programmed for the individual reportion of partition information). A "3" will enable partition siren
inhibit and partition group information to be reported.
Location 218: Reserved (This location must contain a "1 ")
Location 219: Enabling The Swinger Shutdown
Location 219 is used to enable the burglary zone swinger shutdown. The number programmed in this location will determine the
number of trips the DL-300E will allow before isolating all burglary zones (1-16) which have tripped during an arming cycle.
The isolated zones will not report trips to a central station, and the local siren or bell will not sound for these zones. A zone trip will
not be added to the number count until after the zone has tripped more than once. If this location contains a "0", this feature is
disabled. A zone which has been isolated by this feature will be reported if
Isolate Reporting
is enabled in location 368.
Location 220:(This location must contain a "0")
Location 221: Delay Of Phone Line Seizure For Abort
Location 221 contains the number of 2 second increments the phone line seizure and communicator output will be delayed prior to
initiation of an event report for an abortive event. If a "1" is programmed in this location the delay will be 2 seconds. If a 15 is
programmed in this location the delay will be 30 seconds. Factory default is "0" and there is no delay before the initiation of an
event report. NOTE: Only non-24 hour zones will delay.
Location 222: Programming The Quick Arm Digit
The DL-300E can be programmed to
Quick Arm
with one digit by programming a digit (1-9) in location 222. This number cannot
be the first digit of the programming code or of the
enable code. Factory default is "0" which disables this feature.
Location 223: Partial Mode Entry Delay Time
Location 223 contains the number the of 10 second increments in the
entry delay time. The delay time can be
programmed in 10 second increments from 10 to 150 seconds. ("1" = 10 seconds through "15" = 150 seconds). For example,
programming a 4 in this location will create a delay time of 40 seconds. Factory default is "2" (20 seconds). A "0" equals zero
seconds, or instant.