Location 588-591: Communicator Code For Late-To-Close Report
The DL-300E has the ability to report a 1 to 3 digit late-to-close report when these location(s) are programmed and a
closing time has been programmed in locations 604-607. Factory default is "0" for all locations and this feature is not
Location 592-595: Communicator Code For Early Opening Report
The DL-300E has the ability to report a 1 to 3 digit early opening code when these location(s) are programmed and a
opening time has been programmed in locations 600-603. Factory default is "0" for all locations and this feature is not
Location 596-599: Communicator Code To Report Downloading Complete
Location 352-355 contains the communicator report sent each time a download session has been completed. The report
will come in after a disconnect has been made from a downloading session. When contact I.D is selected, program a "1" in
Data 1 to report event "412 - Download Complete Code".
Location 600-603: Opening Time
To enable the early opening report feature a 4 digit 24 hour (military) opening time must be entered in locations 600-603.
For example, to enter a opening time of 8:15 a.m.(08:15), program a "0" in location 600, a "8" in location 601, a "1 " in
location 602, and a "5" in location 603. Factory default is a "0-6-0-0" which sets an opening time of 6:00 AM. NOTE: A
communicator code must be entered in location(s) 592-594 if this feature is selected.
Location 604-607: Closinq Time
To enable the late closing report a 4 digit, 24 hour closing time must be entered in locations 604-607. For example, to
enter a closing time of 6:30 p.m.(1830), program a "1" in location 604, a "8" in location 605, a "3" in location 606, and a
"0" in location 607. Factory default is a "2-0-0-0" which sets a closing time of 8:00PM. NOTE: A communicator code must
be entered in location(s) 588-590 if this feature is selected.
Location 608: Closed Saturdav Enable
A "1" should be programmed in location 608 if the installation will be closed on Saturdays and early opening or late to close
features have been enabled. A "1" will cause the early report to be communicated in the event an opening is made on
Saturday. Factory default is "0" and openings are allowed on Saturday within the assigned schedule without creating a
Location 609: Closed Sunday Enable
A "1" should be programmed in location 609 if the installation will be closed on Sundays and early opening or late to close
features have been enabled. A "1" will cause a report to be communicated in the event of a late closing after an opening.
Factory default is "0" and openings are allow on Sunday with the assigned schedule without creating a report.
Location 610-615: Format Overrides (See Appendix)
Location 616: Programming The Hour For Autotest - Tens Digit
Location 616 contains the tens digit of the hour that the autotest report is initiated. The time is entered in 24 hour time. If
the desired autotest time is 5:25 PM, the 24 hour time is 17:25, so this location should contain a "1 ", which is the tens
digit of the desired hour for autotest. If the desired autotest time is 9:36 AM, the 24 hour time is 09:36, and this location
should contain a “0”.