Location 350: Communicator Code To Report Closings
The DL-300E has the ability to report a closing code each time the control is armed. The desired closing code is programmed
in this location. If this location contains a "0", closings will not be reported. When using contact I.D, program a "1" in this
location to enable reporting of system openings, the event code "401" will be reported. When using the
Quick Arm
digit, the
user number is 29. When using a keyswitch, the user number is 30. The closing report will not be initiated until the end of
the primary exit delay.
Location 351: Closing Phone Selector
If a phone number other than phone #1 is desired, I.E. for dual or split reporting. A binary number must be programmed
into this location. This is derived by adding a "1 " for phone #1, a "2" for phone #2 and a "4" for the internal log. Factory
default is "5" which causes open/closing to report on phone #1 and internal log if the communicator event is enabled.
Location 352: Communicator Code To Report Openings For Users 16-30 (4+2
This location will be programmed only when using a 4 + 2, or extended format. When using non-extended formats, users 16
thru 30 will be reported as 1 thru F.
Location 353: Communicator Code To Report Closings For Users 16-30 (4+2
This location will be programmed only when using a 4 + 2, or extended format. When using non-extended formats, users 16
thru 30 will be reported as 1 thru F.
Location 354: Communicator Code To Report
Location 354 contains the communicator code that will be sent for cancel. The cancel code programmed in this location will
be sent if an arm/disarm code is entered after an alarm on zones 1 through 32 has been reported (excluding 24 hour zones).
After a cancel has been reported, no zone restores will be transmitted on non-24 Hour zones. When contact I.D is selected,
program a one (1) in this location to enable this report, the event code "406" will be reported, followed by an opening event
with the user code number used. This feature can not be enable when Open/Close reporting is also enabled. If this location
contains a "0", cancel is disabled.
Location 355: Communicator Code To Report Cancel For Users 16-30 (4+2
This location will be programmed only when using a 4 + 2, or extended format. When using non-extended formats, users 16
thru 30 will be reported as 1 thru F.
Location 356-359: Communicator Code For Reporting AC Power
The DL-300E has the ability to report an AC power loss code to the base station after the power has been off for a selected
number of minutes from 0 to 15 (see location 330). The desired communicator code must be programmed into these
locations. When contact I.D is selected, program a "1" in Data 1 will report event "301 - AC Power Fail". If Data 1 is "0", AC
Power Fail is disabled. The defaults are "0:0:0:5" with telephone number 1 and the event log enabled.
Location 360-363: Communicator Code For Reporting Low
The DL-300E has the ability to report a low battery code to the base station when AC power has been lost and the battery
has discharged down to 10.3 Volts. Low battery will also report if the dynamic battery test fails. The desired communicator
code must be programmed into these locations. When contact I.D is selected, program a "1" in Data 1 to report event "302
-Low Battery" or "309Fail Dynamic Battery Test". Note: A restore code will not be report for a "Dynamic battery fail.